There was a young couple in a local congregation in our area and the father of the young wife, married the single mother of the young husband, a few months after his wife passed away. The young couple were very upset not only because the parents didn't wait a "respectable" amount of time, but this marriage, made them stepbrother and stepsister. The daughter was especially upset because she felt her father showed disrespect for the memory of her mother and it made it seem as if the older couple had something going on previously.
Loneliness is not fun to deal with but they say one should go through a complete grieving process before making any big decisions and marriage is one of them. To be sure that grief isn't influencing your common sense, the rule of thumb is to give yourself one months grieving time for every year that you were involved with the thing that you lost. ( ie wait 24 months after losing a spouse of 24 years of marriage)
2 years would be a long time to wait to remarry if you were suffering from loneliness, especially since dating for 2 years in the JW world, is so restricted.